Vintage Poster and Print Blog » painting

When past meets future - modern projects based on vintage elements

In one of our posts from the past we played a little bit with "time machine", connecting vintage posters from our shop with contemporary images. As we really like this kind of projects, we would like to show you a couple of examples, in which Past meets Future - and as you'll see, together they can have a really good fun! 

1. Alexey Kondakov collages 

Ukrainian artist used figures from classical paintings and placed them in conteporary spaces to make intriguing and a bit humorous collages with a dose of nice distance. More - here.


2. Outings Project

A great connection of museum art pieces from the past and contemporary street art. This global participative project was initiated by Julien de Casabianca, a French visual artist and filmmaker and it appeared in 28 cities around the world so far (in 12 of them - made by participants). Check how it looks in urban spaces here.


3. Oldies + Photoshop - collages by Giacomo Carmagnola 

Another collage series but this time artist used various types of visual arts - mainly photos and sculptures - and the effect is more mysterious and a bit disturbing. See all works here.


4. Bonobo - Cirrus, official video

This labor-intensive and detailed video created by Cyriak is a lovely example of motion collage, made of dosens of vintage photos and fragments of old movies. Great music connected with this image gives an effect which is impressive and memorable:


Posted: Jun 08, 2015 | Tagged: art, collage, connection, painting, vintage

Vintage typography & lettering, part III - hand painted signs

In last part of our blog series about vintage typography and lettering you could read about neons. Now it's time for hand painted signs which are older that more advanced printing techniques, neon signs, motion pictures - and that's their power - their age.

Painter Chauncey Curtis works on a silent film advertisement for a theater in Mankato, Minnesota, in the 1930s. Courtesy Faythe Levine and Sam Macon.

Posted: May 12, 2015 | Tagged: graphic design, lettering, painting, typography, vintage